Sunday, June 6, 2010


Books have made such a difference to my life... I have read a lot of books along the way... some were interesting... some were informative... some interesting... some boring... but some of them left me changed... some altered the course of my life... some books altered my nature in subtle ways that had huge impact on the way i live my life... a few books i am greatful to have come into my life are.....

FOUNTAINHEAD (taught me what it means to be a 'man'... that means human.. the power behind rational selfishness... i do not claim that i have understood 'objectivism' entirely... but i have got the fundamentals )...

FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES (came to know about the five ways'love'is understood and expressed...p-q-w-a-r)...

PERSONALITY PLUS (helped me to understand myself so that i can understand others.. helped me come a long way in life)..

YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES.( the multiple emotions that we use to hang on to the past and stop ourselves from progress)..

THINK AND GROW RICH(at one point my income simply doubled because of the courage this book gave me.. I am glad i read it)...

OSHO(the evergreen philosopher... though i avoided osho for the same reasons a lot people still believe he is all about free sex... had denied myself a lot of clarity in life ... but life somehow brings me to the right things... Osho was one of the most beautiful things to happen to me.. helped me to get a lot of my thinking right... helped me to be honest with myself and not feel guilty for what 'I am'...

FREEDOM AT MIDNIGHT (based on the one year from Jan 1947 to Jan 1948. helped me to 'live' through those moments of history as only a book can do....

.SKILLS WITH PEOPLE...(short and sweet... just the points... what to do and what not to do..)

THE NAKED APE... (a beautiful book on what is HUMAN being.. biologically)

THE NAKED WOMAN (by the same author ... a beautiful book on the beauty of the woman's body... every woman and man should read)

BLINK....(on the hidden power of the sub-conscious mind)

RICH DAD POOR DAD (on what the rich teach their kids about money and the poor and the middle-class do not)

CASHFLOW QUADRANTS (on the four quadrants E-S-B-I... man what fantastic information... if understood, you will never be comfortable to be on the Left Hand Side)

BODY LANGUAGE (the one by Allan Pease.... because there are so many of them by the same.... simple, straight forward on reading the 'body' language)
DA VINCI CODE.... (part fiction.. part fact... good read for all history lovers)

There will be many more....

Life is such a beautiful journey....

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